Friday 29 May 2015

OMD's Farm

Ok so, I believe that Bank holidays are jinxed. i.e. I genuinely believe that the there are some forces out there that makes sure we have a horrible weather if it’s a Bank holiday! So you could just imagine the “excitement”in our household when we were invited to a birthday party for my mates 2 year old. And what goes well with awful weather... a walk in a farm themed park.. I was dreading it…especially since my boy was feeling a bit under the weather. But the weather was not too bad and the lil bean was jumping excitedly just knowing the fact that we were going out ….AGAIN!! For all he knew we could have been going to Tesco’s for milk. This is an absolutely brilliant thing about kids, everything gets them excited. And I just love that about them. It’s a little something we ought to learn from them, be happy with where you are right now and with what you’ve got. It’s only bound to get better!!

Old MacDonald's open farm is a petting farm located in Brentwood, Essex. The farm was quiet big with loads of rides and picnic spots with loads of animals to see, feed and pet.It is a far cry from the nursery rhyme as there are not only cows, horses, pigs and sheep, but a whole lot of other animals and a very lazy cat.

The standard prices are £15 for adults and £14 for children over 2 and free for children under 2. Although do keep a look out for Groupon vouchers or Wowcher coupons.

Since we were invited for a birthday party we went it for free. So yayyy!!

The Birthday girl had her own Birthday Party room where she got to cut her cake and have all her friends around and the whole shebang. Lovely colors and something every toddler would love to have.

Who would have thought about having a fun filled family day-out in the home of TOWIE and also just off the M25.

There is a lot to do here at the farm to fill a whole day out - for us; we were there for abouit 4 hours.We saw all the animals and the little ones had a go on the majority of rides.

I'd recommend taking a picnic as you can leave it in your car if you wish as they give you a band to enable re-entry.

And if the weather ever decides to get miserable - not to worry as there is an indoor soft play area full of slides, ropes and bridges and its right next to the restaurant, so mums and dads will be happy too.


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