Thursday 9 June 2016

Lost in Paradise

Hello my lovelies, hope you guys had a lovely bank holiday weekend and just counting days till the weekend, as, believe it or not , its almost here.
Mr Not-So –Spontaneous surprised me and the little bundle of joy over the bank holiday weekend. Usually it’s down to me to search for deals , weather, food and stalk tripadvisors looking for reviews.

Over the weekend we paid a visit to the Paradise Wildlife Park, a family run zoo in Hertfordshire. I absolutely love visiting zoos and just love, love …LOVE being around animals. Ok, so in my head…zoos need a lot of space to run and this is London,  so putting 2 and 2 together I automatically assume that this zoo has got to be like really ..really far away, but we got there in like about 40 mins from home (Chigwell). Which makes me think their car parks must be cramped or worse case FULL!!…it being bank holiday and all! But it wasn’t. Ample space and no lack of instructions. Great, you would think that would be it. But no, my head just goes to the next possible disaster, what if it isn’t all it promised to be. Boy Oh Boy! How wrong was I?

The zoo is apparently the only zoo in UK who shelters 5 massive cats.

Home to over 400 animals from your lion, tiger, lemurs as well as sheep, goats and pigs, it also offers a full programme of animal shows every half an hour or so , a play area for the toddlers and also your park area for your ‘getting back to nature’ walks.

I personally feel the park is a great day out for couples and families, especially if you love animals.

Just make sure the suns beaming as I cannot imagine doing those walks in the rain.

My son loved it to bits and I think his favourites were definitely the 5 cats which were the White Lion , White Tiger (who was having a siesta…shame!!) Snowy Leopard,  Jaguar and the Tiger.

It was just awesome to see these animals in their full element. There are eating areas available all over the park , same with toilets and baby's changing facilities.

My little one enjoyed it to bits and I’m sure kids of all ages will really look forward to it, even if it is the kid stuck within the adult you.


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