Tuesday 14 July 2015

Cartoon Museum

Aloha me lovelies…it’s been a while and this has been solely down to me playing single parent for a week as the hub-ster had to get out of town for work. And after a week of playing mommy, chef, nurse and still go to work, I have this new found respect for all the single parents out there. Seriously! My son is an almost 2 year old who acts like he’s on battery fluid rather than milk or any other kind of baby food, as he just tends to go on and rarely tires out. Fortunately my work places is quiet understanding about things like this and try to make things at work as manageable as possible for me. And this is something mums out there need to know more about rather than suffer in Silence. Most multinational and government offices currently support most kinds of personal situations, all you have to do is ASK! So expectant mothers, Adopters, Single Mums and dads find out what options your employer is willing to offer.

So a week later I log on to my blog page and have found out some readers in the US, France, Romania and Ukraine along with some from the good ol’ UK. Guys please do let me know how you find the blog and also some ideas to get more noise in here. But seriously, thanks for stopping by!

Well, before the week off, my friends Bee and Bottom along with their work mates decides to visit the cartoon museum and expecting some of my old cartoon classics I decide to tag along, not knowing that this is your “OLD” classics like your Beano , your Dandy you get the picture. Now these are some classics and it’s always nice to get a quick visit to Nostalgia Town especially if the ride is free. Considering how popular comic strips were and also how significant input in Britain’s satirical culture both past and present I was quiet surprised that I haven’t seen more of museums like these.

I know that the direction that the worlds heading to right now, freedom of speech is just so last century and it’s all about the “freedom to be comfortable” but I’m so old fashioned in that way and find that the freedom to express your thoughts is just so under rated. So it was refreshing to see a museum dedicated to showcase some of the more risky cartoons along with your fav old comic strips.

 Considering the range of comic strips that are out on display a change of illustrations every now and then is almost guaranteed. The evening we visited they had a little show on and the theme was Heckling Hitler World War 2 in cartoon and Comics.Heckling Hitler shows how World War II unfolded through the eyes of British cartoonists and comic artists, as throughout the war they played their part in helping to raise the morale. There was also a small piece on the Globe Dance from one of the classics ‘The Great Dictator’ starring Mr Chaplin himself. Fun fact, born four days apart, Hitler and Chaplin are actually 2 equally famous faces, and for some, namesof the 20thcentury .One, a genocidal fascist tyrant and the other a lovable socialist clown, the words poles apart springs to mind. In the Great Dictator Chaplin plays both Adenoid Hynkel (read Adolph Hitler), dictator of the fictional country of Tomania and a Jewish Barber. The movie is all about mistaken identities and how the Barber Chaplin is mistaken for the Hynklel Chaplin. The touching scene in the movie was when Chaplin had to give a speech after the attack on the fictional country Austerlich (read Austria) and was neither Hynkel nor the Barber but a mere human being crying out “Enough is enough…let’s just embrace peace now!”. Sad, considering that nothing much has changed since the movie.

The scene played by the actor on the day was the scene where Hynkel dancing on his toes, tossing a gigantic helium inflated globe from hand to hand and gracefully cavorting through his office whilst dreaming of world domination.

Now I have to say this, the ambiance in the museum is quiet friendly and everyone’s just out there to talk to each other and sometimes even share thoughts. So if you like to visit museums with just you and your thoughts this might not be the museum for you. Along with the cartoon display, there was also a session on how to dance the foxtrot and you also get the chance to show off your "Jazz Hands!!!"...for which my friend Bee was selected a winner....so you necessarily don’t even have to be good at it.... ;) Just kidding Bee!!!

 The dance moves were taught by the same young lady who acted out the globe scene so a one trick pony she definitely is not. There was also a little drawing competition to sketch your version of a British superhero! The best sketch gets a little prize in the form of more comic books. There was a mini bar for refreshments and a gift shop to buy some little souvenirs but nothing that you wouldn’t get in any other souvenir shop.

All together, another hidden gem and worth visiting but please make sure what exhibition will be on display and also if there are any additional activities happening on the day, like the dance lessons, from their website.

Mon - Sat: 10.30 - 17.30
(inc. Bank Holidays)
Sun 12.00 - 17.30



Anonymous said...

I so can dance!!!
Bee :P

Unknown said...

I agree ;)

Unknown said...
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