Thursday 7 May 2015

Home Sweet Home

How exciting...although to be fair this isn’t my first ever blog. I have attempted to make 'puhlenty' over the course of years but tend to lose them in this big vast internet black hole...ok I lie...I just get lazy and then forget the passwords or login details and then go in this weird cycle of resetting passwords, logins, password reminder questions and then end up creating a new email address and a completely new identity for myself. P.S it should be noted that I do have an IT background :) !

Why blogs and why now, when every baby’s first word is google chrome! Well, just you can see I have a very higher order logic cause. Actually, it’s just because I have seen so many bloggers and their blogs and find that this is something I would love doing. Also, some of the things that I put in here might be things I personally have hunted a lot and had very poor or in some cases no results at all and have often wondered if there’s anyone out there who would check reviews of movies, restaurants or beauty products before actually buying them.

What will this blog be about? I want this to be my space...ooh MySpace...remember Myspace? Ah yes, you have been warned I do tend to get distracted quiet easily, so there you've been warned. Anyways, I want this to be my space to dump my experiences , my attempts and my victories

A bit about me… a full time daughter, sister, sis-in-law, daughter-in-law, wife and a mother. Like a majority of bloggers, im a fan of the pretty stuff in life. I love decorating, crafting anything creative in anyway. I do the occasional doodling. I love my travels and have my occasional beauty and fashion moments where I get it absolutely spot on or miss the boat completely. Rare are the occasions where I hang in between. To get it right, please follow my SIL on I also love trying out things and will be sharing it here.I’m sure I will be putting a bit of everything on there you have been warned!!! AGAIN!


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