Thursday 28 May 2015

V & A Museum of Childhood

Did you know that Lewis Carroll’s Alice character was based on a real girl called Alice Pleasance Liddell?

Or that Thomas Dam made the first troll toy in Denmark and they were intended to be cute good luck charms?

Or that Barbie was closely modelled on Lille, a German fashion doll?

If these facts fascinate you, or if you want to know more facts like this, then the V & A Museum of Childhood is your place.

Looking for something to do on a Bank holiday Weekend, we were looking to go somewhere not too pricey and also not too far away from home as our 18 month old was feeling quiet poorly but perfect enough to blog about as well!!

And tadaaaa…’s a perfect place for the child in you and it’s based in Bethnal Green and about 5 minutes’ walk from the station. Oh! And get this, the entrance is absolutely FREE!!!!

Once you’re in there are lots of things that’s bounds to make you feel nostalgic and also keep you little ones occupied for some time.

Even I was super excited about the massive doll houses with accurate detailing and also wondering what happened to the good old days where children would just build things from scratch and not get China involved.

I personally feel that things like this contribute to your character as you pick up attributes like patience, attention to detail and also get in touch with your creative side.

But Alas! Crafts like this are a thing of the past now and great creations are sheltered behind glassed cabinets in museums like this.

The museum itself doesn’t take too long to walk around but you do tend to stop and admire some of the old toys that you might have played with in your younger days and also in some cases realise the full potential of some of these toys.

The museum also displayed the Alice look which included some of the garments and photographs to mark the 150th anniversary of the first publication of one of Britain’s best-known and most-loved children’s books, Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Who ever thought that poor old Alice would have been a trendsetter!!

This definitely was a flash back to my own childhood and the toys I played with and secretly wished for and in some cases not so secretly!! The 80s and 90s was definitely a good era.

Before calling it a day , we decided to grab some grub from Max's Bistro . To be honest there was nothing much to write down about the food as it was quiet average but the staff were just so sweet and welcoming.

I had the duck while the hubby had the steak burger and we both had the Prawn,Mango and Avocado Salad for starters.. Overall 2.5 /5


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