Friday 8 May 2015

Plan Away

Yayy!!I’m back...ok this might be beginners enthu but I couldn’t stop myself from visiting the page and dumping more thoughts. I have a glance at all these extraordinarily amazing blogs and wonder how do these women come up with random ideas and make it so amazing to read. Another reason why I could never do a vlog it would mostly consist of ummms ,ehs and retakes after retakes. I guess I find it easier to pour my thoughts on to a blank screen than talk to the camera.

Ok, so first topic , now this is something I have personally searched reviews all over the internet be it youtube , blogs, facebook etc etc but couldn’t seem to find any helpful info. So something more about me, I love the whole concept of being organized and try to implement a bit of this into my life as much as I can. So I was super excited when I found out that my makeup could be organised when I’m on the move. I’m one of those women who tend to do the before and after magic when I travel in the tubes/trains i.e. I do my makeup. I know it’s a sin but I just have way too much time to spare and get creative. So having an organised makeup bag helps me do my job very efficiently without nudging my fellow passengers…sowwwiee !!

I have been looking for a makeup planner for a while and I bumped across the Trish McEvoy Black Petite Make-up Planner at the Liberty. I had previously read about the Laura Mercier Portfolio for Home and Away, both petite and the large but wasn’t sure how they would fit in my bag as I do swap bags quite often. Now about the latter, there have been loads of reviews and videos on youtube but the former, not so much as far as I know. This could be as they are an American company (again I think its American). Now, since I could not try the items at the shop floor I bought all 3 just to compare. It’s a shame I didn’t have the blog then else I would have put up pics but I ended up gifting one, selling the other on eBay and settling for one. Yes, I’m the Goldilocks of the Makeup world !

Ok, so the Laura Mercier Custom Artist Portfolio for Home and Awayboth the Large and Petite, seem to be sold out in most shops in the UK but can be ordered online from the Laura Mercier site.


The Laura Mercier Custom Artist Portfolio is almost the size of a A4 folder and literally works like a folder. This includes 4 zippered mesh bags, a removable brush page/holder and a refillable 6-well and 3-well compact. Everything is encased in a zippered portfolio case with a bronzy crocodile print hard shell material. The Portfolio measures around 11.5" x 9.5" x 2.5" or 29.21cm x 24.13cm x 6.35 , give or take .It is by no means small and its definitely for the makeup pros and hence I think this would be more suitable for traveling. The mesh bags are zippered and they have mesh on one side but not on the back. There are magnets on the back of the bag that attach them to the portfolio. I kind of contemplated keeping this around but felt it was completely wasted on me as “if it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind" for me, so ended up gifting this one.

The Laura Mercier Custom Artist Portfolio – Petite.

Ok , so I bought this thinking this would definitely be the one to be very disappointed , again this would be perfect for travelling i.e keep your makeup safe under the hard shell while you try to balance your suitcases. But definitely not for your bags, my biggest bag would be my Mulberry Mitzy Hobo and I think it just added an additional 500gms to the bag and with my smallest bag, which is a Givenchy Antigona, well let’s just say if I was to take the bag to work I would only be carrying the make-up case and nothing else as it didn’t leave much space after I put the case in there. Although travelling to work with just makeup does sound pretty neat . Again the measurements are roughly about 9" x 6" x 2.75 or 22.86cm x 15.24cm x 6.98cm and this time with a stripey plastic zippered hard shell. And again inside you will find two removable zippered mesh bags that are magnetized to the back of the case and a non-removable, double-sided brush page with pockets. This came with a free 3-Well Custom Compact for your eye shadows Again, completely wasted on me, so ended up putting it on eBay.
And now drumrolls puhleassseee…. the Trish McEvoy Black Petite Make-up Planner….Ta- daaaaa! I came across this when I was window shopping round the Liberty, London . And if you haven’t been to the Liberty Department store, I would definitely recommend the one in Regent Street , the customer service is absolutely brilliant, staff are just so friendly and would prefer it any day to your Selfridges (where I personally know of 2 people who were mugged as they made their way out of the store) , John Lewis etc. etc. Again, personal opinion. Now the Trish McEvoy Makeup Planner – Petite , is perfect for your bags. The measurements are around 5.8 x 3.25 x 4.25 inches or 15.24cm x 10.79cm x 6.35cm with a zippered quilted case, not hard shell like the Laura Mercier ones but will definitely keep your makeup snug and safe, it has 1 x removable mesh pouch, 4 x brush sleeves, 1 x large brush pocket and I bought a Petite Makeup Wardrobing Page for storing all my eyes shadows. One thing to be noted, I don’t use any of the Trish products in this case as I have tried and tested all my products and happy to stick to the products I know. Only teeny tiny issue I have with it , the mesh pouch does not have any magnets holding it up like the Laura Mercier ones but I can fix a piece of Velcro on both ends, back there to fix it so not a biggie !!

Hope this helps in some way or form!!



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