Tuesday 9 June 2015

Breakfast Club

The first rule of Breakfast club is…You Do not talk about Breakfast Club

The second rule of Breakfast club is….

Well…if you listen to all rules…you miss out on all the fun!!

Do you ever get the feeling that works just getting to you or you just need a mini break from it all. Well this was me couple of weeks ago, but I didn’t want to hang around my haven doing my usually organising chores but wanted to go about roaming this beautiful city. But I know this was never going to happen till I could find a perfect hommie to do this with. So when my girlfriend hence worth to be refereed as Cee Cee came over to chill for a week. I grabbed on to this wonderful opportunity. My main reasons for doing this over the week, I hate the mad rush that the weekend brings along with it and also the crazy prices for entries and meal prices just because it’s the weekend.


So after dropping my little bundle of joy at his nursery, the gurlz made a start on their London City escapade. First things first, we had to grab some breakfast and almost immediately.


So we made a move to Liverpool Street to our very own Breakfast Club. The last time I decided to give them a try the queue was just ridiculous.


But guess what….no queue at all…KER- CHING!!!! Score First Timer – 1  Sods law – NIL.


So thank you Londoners for being so hard working and giving me this wonderful food-gasmic opportunity. I personally thought the queue thing was just a hype but the food is actually AHMAAAZZZZZINN….and the staff were just friendly and chilled. Actually the whole ambiance of the place was quiet chilled.

And I was actually droolin’ just reading the menu. But I had to have the pancakes and I could hear the All American calling out my name over and over again. The All American was basically Pancakes, eggs, sausage, home-style fried potatoes, streaky bacon and maple syrup for £11.00. And CeeCee had the Eggs Benedict with ham and fried potatoes for £8.

TBT, I didn’t know what to expect. You know that feeling you get when you go to restaurants and end up eating something just to realize you could have made this at home and it would have tasted much better and would have been must cheaper.


I would have dreaded this feeling if the food was not close to my expectations. But the food gave full justice and it as just amazing. The pancakes tasted like little clouds of heaven and needless to say it didn’t take us much long to get our plates finger lickin’ ly clean.


The eggs benedict were gorgeous as well. So happy, happy day it definitely was. If only breakfasts like this was an everyday thing.


Then everyone would have made it the most important meal of the day and maybe even the only meal of the day!!!



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