Tuesday 9 June 2015

BBC 4 Radio - Sketchorama

My friends Bee and Bottom were audience members for 8 out of 10 cats and raved about how fun it was. Since then I have been on the lookout for some show tickets and there are so many websites out there dedicated solely for this .Since my day off was kind of a last minute thing, I went on the BBC site to check for available tickets. So I was quiet happy with the 2 tickets I got for the BBC radio show Sketchorama.

Neither I nor my accompanying friend CeeCee have ever been to the recording of any show before. The recording was to take place at the RADA studios next to Goodge Station.

Even though the tickets did mention that the venue opens at 18:15 p.m., you will be allowed in to the recording studio at 19:15 p.m and the recording would only start at 19:30 p.m. Us being the eager beavers that we were ended up getting there 18:15 on the dot and ended up waiting around for an hour as the bar did not have much seating available.

Saying that, the set was open at 19:15 on the dot and the show started at 19:30 on the dot.

I was surprised with the fact that there wasn’t much effort put on the set. All it had was a Radio 4 sign and couple of chairs and microphones.

We saw three sketch groups performing on the night, In Cahoots, Miranda Hennessy and friends and Clever Peter. Each act performed for around 30 minutes each and my favourite groups of the night were Miranda Hennessy and friends. Their sketch were quiet varied and all equally hilarious. In Cahoots were the only group I had previously heard off and was quiet excited when I heard they were going to perform that evening. Unfortunately I had previously seen all their acts…thanks to YouTube, so kind of found myself repeating the punch lines. But the guys had a brilliant rapport and were really good. Clever Peter didn’t establish any connection with the audience in my point of view as they were reading from their scripts. This being a radio show did not stop any of the group performers from being visually humorous well.

It was a free, alternate and more over a fun evening. Next, maybe a TV Show? Pretty please!!




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