Tuesday 10 May 2016

Peppa World

“Let’s go to Peppa World, this Easter bank holiday weekend”. This was followed by a minute of silence to allow my boys to digest the fact that we will be spending most of the day outside queueing up for rides on a day where there was about 80% chance of rain and horrid windy moments. So after the awkward one minute silence the hubby comes back with this, isn’t that more of a little girls thing. We both look at our 2 and half year old son who’s already ranting about how I was Mummy Pig, my husband, Daddy Pig and if he would see dinosaurs. So that pretty much sums up how a 2 and a half year old thinks. Blue, Pink, green, aqua, the stereotypes don’t matter to them.

We set off at 9 am, the little bundle of joy slept for most of the journey, the weather was getting grim and so was my expectation of this being a good out. We arrived by 11 and managed to get a parking space, 3 minutes walking distance from the main entrance. The car park was full, which wasn’t surprising to be honest, it being Easter bank holiday and all.

As we entered the park, there were moment where I actually asked myself,” Are we at the right place.?”. There was no sign of Peppa or the whole pig clan. It took us a bit to realise that the actually Peppa Pig is a part of the Paultons Park .Which worked brilliantly for us as Paultons park have rides more suited for your teenagers and adults . Funny enough, it was my little boy who first spotted Peppa World and before we knew it, we had a child on the run.

To say he enjoyed it, is an understatement, he LOVED it, mainly because he knew the characters. He couldn’t read but he understood we were at Peppa’s house, the Windy castle, the helicopter rides and George’s dinosaurs. He even stopped at Peppa’s school for a photograph, all smiling minus any of those “before shots” tantrums. He told me he wanted to get in a yellow car and the blue seat on the train. This was his world and he definitely was no stranger here. The ones who felt out of place was my hubby and my friend’s daughter who was a teenager. Hubby, because the weather was getting to him (Did I mention it was so windy , we could see the helicopter rides actually shaking mid-air ??) and my friends daughter, because she was a teenager and she couldn’t force herself to enjoy this world and just couldn’t understand why we weren’t  trying out the rides at Paulton Park. So this world does come with an age limit. I think my son might appreciate it for another year and maybe that’s it. But I’m sure by then there will be more 2 and a half’s in there knowing their Peppa World like the back of their tiny palms.

The park itself looks small and you might feel for a second or so that this can be covered under half an hour. But perfect enough for those little people in our lives. All rides are basically a variation of the same thing , they are all rides going in a straight line or around a wheel. There’s an eating area with both indoor and outdoor eating facilities and toilets and baby’s changing facilities, all clean. There’s food available which is mostly your burgers, chips hotdogs that kind of thing. Or you could just have a mini picnic and you might even have a curious duck walk up your table for a morsel. There’s a souvenir shop with all your Peppa Pig merchandise from your stationery to your towels. In addition to this, Paultons Park has another souvenir shop which you will see as you enter the park, which houses merchandises of most of your cartoon characters.

I would have loved the experience all the way through if we had better weather and the hubby didn’t end up losing my little boy's backpack. But it was still a good day nevertheless and you just won’t be able to get that Peppa Pig tune out of your head, even if you tried. It plays everywhere in Peppa World all day. It s a shame I couldn't get any pictures as my camera was acting up and all I have are just videos.

The tickets aren't cheap but kids under 1 meter go free. But there are offers available if you go in groups. Check out ticket options here : https://paultonspark.co.uk/tickets/buy?category=21
Needless to say , my little one was knackered for the journey back home and when we got home he asked if we can go to Paw Patrol World next time round….HELP!!!

How were your bank holiday breaks? Do you have any family faves?


Tuesday 3 May 2016


It’s been 5 months since my last post. Yes, I left my ‘baby’ for 5 whole months!!!  I just had way too much on my plate and just needed a break away from it all. Hope you all are doing good and are in the best of your health and spirits.

One thing I’ve learned from this whole exercise was just how difficult it was to stay motivated to blog as often as possible. The longer I left the more things got out of trend or got covered by hundred other bloggers/vloggers. But this place is my ‘baby’ and I have really decided to take things under control if not for anything else, mainly for just being really cross with myself for not being able to complete or continue something that I started.

So, the things that I was up to during my sabbatical…


Well obviously not mine, but a really good friend of mine who was battling with cancer for 3 years. This just broke me. You know when your IT guys ‘advise’ you to just reboot your machine and see if it works. Well, I desperately needed a reboot. It’s weird how nothing ever prepares you for that feeling you go through when someone whose presence you have taken for granted is just not there anymore.  He was the life of the party, the one who loved to take pictures and make memories, the king of OCDs and a real gem of a human being. And till this date I miss him and his banter.


Last year we also decided to make a mini trip to India with our little bundle of joy . This was part of the reboot I was talking about.  I now have full respect for parents who travel with 2 or more kids. Our days were just spent scheming thing to wear him off so he would sleep in the flight, coz nobody wants to be those parents whose kid keeps the whole plane and the neighbouring countries up all night. No, our scheming didn’t work .Yes, he was awake for most of the flight journey and yes, he most definitely decided to do his vocal checks 35,000 feet up in the air. But you know what I realised, when your baby cries; you try to calm him and you just couldn’t give two hoots about the judging eyes around you.


So we had about 3 weddings in 3 different states in India and yes, it was as hectic as it sounds. If you weren’t already aware or lived under a rock for most of your life, Indian weddings are a true piece of work. You are just knackered by the end of the events that just goes on for days. Ok so now try this with a toddler who just cannot fathom why we aren't having a White Christmas and just refuses to wear anything on as the heat was just too much for him to deal with. Yup, he worked on his ‘diaper look’… till he found out how he could take them off and then it was just 2 grown-ups looking at each other just nodding off questions like ‘ Is that your child?’. This was going very well till he started pointing at us and calling out “DADDDYYYY!!!!”, “MUMMMMY!!!!” at the top of his voice. Lucky for us, he’s still at that age where people just go…’Awwww!!!’

….what else?

There has been loads of mini stories happening here and there in my life.Some blog worthy and some not so much. Divorces, friends moving on in life, new jobs, new homes, laughter, joy and oodles of bliss moments! Now lets get crackin'.....
